Unstaking Portal: Merlin Unstaking Page
Detailed operations is similar with unstaking BTC
Users that have not claimed M-Token(BRC-20)
Retrieve BRC-20 to Layer1: After paying the gas fee, the BRC-20 will arrive at your L1 BTC wallet in 3 days.
Retrieve BRC-20 to Layer2: You can also unstake BRC-20 back to your L2 wallet without paying gas. It will arrive at your L2 wallet address in about 24 hours. This can be bridged out using our official bridge.
Users Have Claimed M-Token(BRC-20)
Now you can swap M-BRC20 with BRC20 at a ratio of 1:1 (for example, M-ORDI to ORDI), and then you can continue to trade or bridge back to the L1. You need to have sufficient gas in L2 wallet.
OKX already supports the deposit of ORDI/SATS. You can deposit to the exchange after getting ORDI/SATS (not M-ORDI and M-SATS).
Users have to add the BRC-20 token address to view unstaked assets.
Last updated