How to Withdraw MERL to Your AA Wallet on Merlin Chain

Step 1: Find Your Merlin AA Wallet Address

  1. Open the OKX Web3 Wallet and go to the "Discover" section.

  2. In the search bar, type

  3. Click on the top right corner and select the OKX wallet link.

  4. Tap the purple circle icon at the bottom right (the AA wallet icon).

  5. Click on the address and copy the 0x...... address.

Note: This address is an EVM-compatible address generated automatically when you log in with your BTC address. It serves as your transaction address on Merlin Chain.

Step 2: Withdraw from the Exchange

  1. Return to the "Exchange" section and locate Assets.

  2. Click on Withdraw and select MERL as the token.

  3. Paste the address copied in Step 1 and enter the amount you wish to withdraw.

  4. After verifying the withdrawal amount and fees, confirm to complete the transaction.

Your MERL will then be transferred to your Merlin Chain AA Wallet, where it can be used as gas for transactions on Merlin Chain.

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