2.1 Deploy License and Mint Copies


Following roles are related to BRC420:

  • Owner: The current owner of specific inscription.

  • Deployer: The wallet used to deploy BRC420 for specific inscription. Deployer is same as Owner.

  • Royalty Receiver: The wallet used to get royalty fee paid by Minter. The Royalty Receiver is the same as Deployer.

  • Minter: The wallet used to mint recursive content for specific inscription by following BRC420 protocol

How To

Follow steps should be strictly followed to play with BRC420:

  • Deploy BRC420 As the owner of one specific inscription. You can inscribe the deploy function for that inscription to your Ordinal compatible wallet. The royalty fee is specified at this phrase. The paid royalty fee by following minter will always be transfered to the deployer account.

  • Mint Recursive Content

    Anyone could inscribe the recursive content by following the parameters defined in the deploy function. That is, you have to pay extra royalty fee defined in deploy function to brc420 deployer. The fee should be paid in the commit tx of the commit-reveal inscription process.



  • Everyone could deploy brc420 for his/her owned inscriptions

  • The deployer is the receiver of the royalty fee

  • The brc420 could only be deployed once for each inscription. That means further deployments are all invalid once one valid brc420 is deployed for specific inscription no matter how it circulates among different accounts

  "p": "brc-420",
  "op": "deploy",
  "id": "inscription id",
  "name": "brc420 name",
  "max": "2100",
  "price": "0.001"


  • Everyone could mint resursive inscriptions based on the rules defined by brc420 deploy inscription

  • The mime type of the brc420 defined resursive inscription should be the same as original inscription

  • The content simply follows the resursive style: /content/<INSCRIPTION_ID>, INSCRIPTION_ID here refers to the inscription to be resursived, it's the same as inscription id specified in the brc420 deploy inscription

  • The correct amount of BTC should be sent to brc420 deployer during mint process


The indexing of brc420 inscriptions is built based on the Ord . To index the Deploy and Mint inscriptions of brc420, follow these steps.

  • Extract the inscription data pushed by the Ord according to the block height.

  • Sequentially extract the content of the inscriptions and determine if the content meets the Deploy and Mint rules. If it does, the inscription should be indexed.


  • Source Inscription: The inscription ID specified in the "id" field of the Deploy inscription

  • Deploy Inscription: The inscription that meets the brc420 Deploy standards.

  • Mint Inscription: The inscription that meets the brc420 Mint standards.

The following are important considerations to keep in mind while indexing brc420, which can be used as a reference.


Indexing Deploy Inscriptions

  • Verify that each field in the inscription content complies with the protocol standards.

  • Confirm that the inscription referenced by the "id" field exists and it's owned by the same wallet address as current Deploy inscription being parsed.

  • Check if the Source Inscription has already deployed a brc420 collection (The Source Inscription cannot be redeployed).

  • When a valid Mint Inscription is found, the mint number of the brc420 collection defined by Deploy Inscription increases one. When the mint number of the collection reaches "max" value, the collection indexing is completed.

Indexing Mint Inscriptions

  • Verify that the inscription contains the correct prefix (/content/) which follows the resursive style.

  • Validate that the referenced Source Inscription exists legally and that the Source Inscription has a corresponding deploy inscription.

  • Ensure the content-type of the Mint Inscription the same as that of the Source Inscription.

  • In the commitTx transaction, pay royalties equal to the amount declared in the "price" field of the Deploy Inscription. If multiple brc420 inscriptions are made in a single commitTx transaction, the royalty payments can be combined into a single output. For example, if inscribing 10 brc420s, a single output with the total royalty amount can be sent to the royalty address.

Inscriptions Transfer

  • The indexer should track Mint Inscriptions, maintaining the accuracy of their owner and location information.

  • Deploy Inscriptions do not track owner transfers; royalties are always based on the information at the time of initial deployment.

Last updated